video, HD 1080p, color, sound,
04´41˝ loop
Vice Guru announced the opening of the Basma Institute with promotional healing on Split's most famous beach, Bačvice. This video was made for the creative documentary film "Landscape Zero" 2019.
(produced by the Kazimir Association)

C30, 2018.
mixed media: homeopathic dilutions,
test tubes with lid, labels (stickers), shelf
(plywood, iron, colored adhesive) charts
and tables
118 x 23 x 100 cm
The homeopathic doctrine called similia similibus curentur, or "like cures like" enabled the production of a series of preparations that give us absolute control of the personal emotional universe.
C30 consists of fifty-three 3 ml samples in which the homeopathic solutions (dilutions) of Vice Guru's emotions are stored. For a year, Guru stored various emotions by the following procedure: each time Vice intensely felt a certain emotion, he would take a drop of blood from his index finger, and mixed it with a hundred drops of water. This solution, which is classified with a potency of 1C in homeopathic medicine, is mixed with a hundred drops of new water. After thirty cycles of dilution and mixing, a 30C formulation would be formed.
Emotions are classified according to the parameters of value, morality, intensity and duration. The value is measured on a scale ranging from -5 to +5 which refers to a spectrum from a distinctly negative feeling to a distinct experience of the pleasure evoked by the emotion. Morality is valorized by a scale ranging from -5 to +5, which classifies the moral understanding of the experienced feeling, from extremely immoral to particularly moral. The intensity of the emotion was recorded in the range of 1 to 5, where the lowest score indicates that the emotion is barely experienced, while the highest number indicates a strong emotion. The duration was recorded in the range from 1 to 5 so that emotions lasting up to fifteen minutes were marked with the number 1 while emotions lasting longer than two hours were marked with the number 5.

HADO VODA, 2019.
natural non-carbonated positive
HADO VODA water in 0.5L bottles,
plant watered with HADO VODA,
plant watered with regular water,
led lights, shelf (plywood, iron,
coloured adhesive),
dimensions variable
Water is sensitive to a subtle form of energy called hado. This form of energy affects the quality of water and the shape of water crystals during freezing. This scientific discovery made by Dr. Masaru Emoto enabled the production of positive HADO VODA water in these bottles. Experiments prove that words that express human emotions or ideas have a physical impact on water structure. Hado energy can be positive or negative, and when we expose water to positive thoughts, beautiful crystals are formed that reflect positive hado. Hado is thus essentially related to the reaction of water to various information. As emotions affect bottled water, so do our physical health. This water can reach any part of the body and give it new, positive information.
HADO VODA water is structured with positive Hado energy by the Vice Guru himself. The words used are: love, happiness, health, kindness, beauty, joy, knowledge, strength, intelligence...
A clear picture of the effect of this water on the body is visible in the example of the growth of the plant Diefenbachia.
Two cloned plants of the same age were exposed to the same growing conditions and watered at the same time with the difference that only one plant was watered with HADO VODA water.

SPLIT, 2019
mixed media: c-print, steel, plywood, crystals
170 x 90 x 77 cm
The nodes of the vibrating energy of the ether are located on the topography of the city. Abnormal vortices can occur at these sites during rare interplanetary adjustments within our solar system because different densities of ethers in space create many different physical dimensions. These hubs can be understood as acupuncture points of the city of Split. It is an energy structure, an invisible energy field that surrounds us and carries certain information. Our consciousness is connected to these morphogenetic fields with which we share information and synchronize vibrations.
We divide morphogenetic fields into two basic directions, and they differ in the frequencies at which they vibrate, so are the low-vibration fields of fear, anger, rage, aggression, lack, incompleteness, jealousy and all other negative feelings while the high-vibration fields are love, support, harmony, learning , progress, peace, stability, success…
By placing programmed crystals on energy nodes and connecting them into structures according to the principle of esoteric geometry, the vibration frequency of the entire morphogenetic field of the city of Split is raised. On a map of the city, the same crystalline constellation is placed on a reduced scale as on the ground, which strengthens the activity of the mechanism. The space of the Youth Center was built at an energy intersection, which we transmuted into the energy center of Split.

The Pro-bhuti program consists of 180 pills, each containing a special vibhuti powder produced by the great Indian swamis (yogis) and their followers. Vibhuti is made by virtuous, religious and learned people through special process of preparation and oxidation of wood, cow dung and other fuel in the sacred fire. Some types of vibhuti ash are reportedly materialized by willpower or are teleported from the interior of the earth and other planets. The Pro-bhuti program vibhuti treatment system and its preparation for oral consumption is currently in the first phase of a clinical trial.
PRO-BHUTI, 2019.
mixed media: vibhuti,
film pills, plywood,
colored adhesive
150 x 300 x 5 cm
Swami Abhedananda (1866 - 1939)
Khatkhate Baba (1859 - 1930)
Chandrashekhara Bharai III (1892 - 1954)
Rupa Goswami (1489–1564)
Swami Prabhupada (1896 - 1977)
Anasuya Devī (1923 - 1985)
Asaram Bapu (rođen 1941)
Sanatana Goswami (1488 - 1558)
Jiva Goswami (1513 - 1598)
Gopala Bhatta Goswami (1503 - 1578)
Raghunatha Goswami (1505 - 1579)
Haridasa Thakur (rođen 1451)
Krishnadasa Kaviraja (born 1496)
Narottama Dasa (rođen 1466)
Ayya Vaikundar (1809–1851)
Jagannatha Dasa Babaji (1776 - 1894)
Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji (1838 - 1915)
Bhaktivinoda Thakur (1838 - 1914)
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (1874 - 1937)
Akhandanand[8] (1911 - 1987)
Akka Mahadevi(c.1130 - 1160)
Alvar Saints (700–1000)
Anandamayi Ma (1896 - 1982)
Sri Aurobindo (1872 - 1950)
Baba Hari Dass (1923 - 2018)
Bahinabai (1628 - 1700)
Bhadase Sagan Maraj (1920 - 1971)
Bhagawan Nityananda (1897 - 1961)
Bhakti Tirtha Swami (1950 - 2005)
Bamakhepa (1837 – 1911)
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha (born1933)
Bijoy Krishna Goswami (1841 - 1899)
Brahma Chaitanya (1845 - 1913)
Brahmanand Swami (1772 - 1832)
Brahmananda Saraswati (1868 - 1953)
Bhakti Charu Swami (rođen 1945)
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486 - 1534)
Sant Charandas (1703 - 1782)
Charan Singh (1916 - 1990)
Chandrashekarendra (1894 - 1994)
Swami Chidbhavananda (1898 - 1985)
Chinmayananda Saraswati (1916 - 1993)
Sri Chinmoy (1931 - 2007)
Chokhamela (14. century)
Dayananda Saraswati,( 1824 - 1883)
Dayananda Saraswati (1930 - 2015)
Dnyaneshwar (1275 – 1296)
Gulabrao Maharaj (1881 - 1915 )
Eknath (1533 - 1599)
Gajanan Maharaj (19. stoljeće)
Gagangiri Maharaj (1906 - 2008)
Gnanananda Giri (19. century)
Gopala Krishna Goswami (born 1944)
Gopalanand Swami (1781 - 1852)
Gopi Krishna (1903 - 1984)
Gorakhnath (11. stoljeće)
Gora Kumbhar (1267 - 1317)
Gunatitanand Swami (1785 - 1867)
Gurinder Singh (born1954)
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (born1955)
Sadguru Hambir Baba (1879 - 1970)
Hans Ji Maharaj (1900 - 1966)
Hariharananda Giri (1907 - 2002)
Haridasa Thakur (born 1450)
Isaignaniyar (7. century,
Jaggi Vasudev (born1957)
Janabai (13. century),
Jaimal Singh (1839 - 1903)
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986)
Swami Janakananda (born 1939)
Swami Keshwanand Satyarthi (born 1943)
Kabir (15. scentury)
Kālidāsa (5. stoljeće)
Kanakadasa (1509 - 1609)
Kalyan Swami (1636 - 1714)
Kanhopatra (15. century)
Karaikkal Ammaiyar (6. stoljeće),
Krishnananda Saraswati (1922 - 2001)
Kripalu Maharaj (1922 - 2013)
Lahiri Mahasaya, (1828 - 1895)
Lakshmanananda Saraswati (1926 - 2008)
Lalleshwari (1320 - 1392),
Madhvacharya (1238 - 1317)
Mahant Swami Maharaj (born 1933)
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1918 - 2008)
Mahavatar Babaji (19.century
Mangayarkkarasiyar (7. century)
Mata Amritanandamayi (born1953)
Meera (1498 - 1547)
Mehi (1885 - 1986)
Mirra Alfassa (1878 - 1973)
Morari Bapu (rođen 1946)
Muktananda (1908 - 1982)
Mother Meera (rođen 1960)
Muktabai (1279 - 1297)
Muktanand Swami (1758 - 1830)
Namdev (1270 - 1350)
Narasimha Saraswati (1378 - 1459)
Narayana Guru (1854 - 1928)
Nayakanahatti Thipperudra (16. century
Nayanmars Saints (700 - 1000)
Lokenath Brahmachari (1730 - 1890)
Narayan Maharaj (1885 - 1945)
Narsinh Mehta (1414 - 1481)
Neem Karoli Baba (1902 - 1973)
Nigamananda Paramahansa (1880 - 1935)
Sant Nirmala (14. stoljeće)
Nirmala Srivastava, Devi (1923 - 2011)
Niranjanananda (1862 - 1904)
Nishkulanand Swami (1766 - 1848)
Nisargadatta Maharaj ( 1897 - 1981)
Om Swami (rođen 1979)
Swami Nithyananda (1978 - 1977)
Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952)
Pavhari Baba (1814 – 1898)
Potuluri Virabrahmendra (17. century)
Anandamurti (1921 - 1990)
Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921 - 2016)
Pranavanda Saraswati (1908 - 1982)
Pranavananda, (1896 - 1941)
Prem Rawat, (rođen 1957)
Raghavendra Swami (1595 - 1671)
Rakeshprasad (rođen 1966)
Radhanath Swami (rođen 1950)
Swami Rama (1925 - 1996)
Swami Ramdas (1884 - 1963)
Rama Tirtha (1873 - 1906)
Ramakrishna (1836 - 1886)
Ramana Maharshi (1879 - 1950)
Swami Ramanand (1738 - 1802)
Ramanuja (1017 - 1137)
Ramprasad Sen (1718 - 1775)
Ram Thakur (1860 - 1949)
Sahadeo Tiwari (1892 - 1972),
Sai Baba of Shirdi (1838 - 1918)
Sankardev (1449 - 1568)
Madhavdev (1489 - 1596)
Damodardev (1488 - 1598)
Satchidananda Saraswati (1914 - 2002)
Sathya Sai Baba (1926 - 2011)
Sathyananda Saraswathi (1935 - 2006)
Satnarayan Maharaj (rođen 1931)
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami (born 1939)
Satya Narayan Goenka (1924 - 2013)
Satyananda Giri (1896 - 1971)
Satyananda Saraswati (1923 - 2009)
Sawan Singh (1858 - 1948)
Seshadri Swamigal (1870 - 1929)
Shivabalayogi (1935 - 1994)
Shreedhar Swami (1908 - 1973)
Shripad Shri Vallabha (1918 - 1977)
Shriram Sharma (1911 - 1990)
Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927 - 2001)
Sitaramdas Omkarnath (1892 - 1982)
Soham Swami (1855 - 1918)
Sivananda Saraswati (1887 - 1963)
Shiv Dayal Singh (1818 - 1878)
Sant Soyarabai (14. century)
Surdas (15. century)
Swaminarayan (1781 - 1830)
Swarupanand (1884 - 1936)
Swarupananda (1871 - 1906)
Tibbetibaba (1889 - 1930)
Totapuri (1780 - 1866)
Trailanga (1607 - 1887)
Tukaram (1608 - 1649)
Tulsidas (1532 - 1623)
Udiya Baba (1875 - 1948)
Upasni Maharaj (1870 - 1941)
Uppaluri Krishnamurti (1918 - 2007)
Vallabha Acharya (1479 - 1531)
Vethathiri Maharishi (1911 - 2006)
Vidyaranya (1268 - 1386)
Vishuddhananda Param. (1853 - 1937)
Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)
Yogaswami (1872 - 1964)
Yogi Ramsuratkumar (1918 - 2001)
Yukteswar Giri (1855 - 1936)
Narayanprasaddasji Swami (1921 - 2018)
Samarth Ramdas (1608 - 1681)

One of the most valuable aspects of the tarot is its intersectionality. In the Tarot pharmacy, the traditional meanings of the cards are studied together with their astrological coincidences and elemental nature in order to establish a new correlation between herbalism and deviation. Tarot enables the most accurate holistic diagnosis and calculation of phytotherapeutic treatment.
(The names of the plants are written in Croatian)
mixed media: herbal tinctures, herbal cigarettes, golden book, tarot cards, wooden cabinets, Lophophora williamsii, Coffeae,
dimensions variable
The Great Arcana
Alkaloids – heterocyclic
Plants that have tannin
0.datura, 1.gorkoslad 2.mandragora, 3.velebilje, 4.pasji peršin, 5.duhan, 6.ljulj, 7.kukuta, 8.kužnjak, 9.žuta lupina, 10.zanovijet, 11.mak, 12.rosopas, 13.dimnjača, 14.žutika, 15.bunika, 16.ražova glavnica, 17.jedić, 18.šimšir, 19.gavez, 20.pasji jezik, 21.crvotočina,
Little Arcana
Alkaloids - acyclic or carbocyclic
-1.rusomača, -2.smrdljiva pepeljuga, -3.orlovi nokti, -4.ljuta paprika
Plants with mustard oil glycosides
-5.crna gorušica, -6.bijela gorušica, -7.dragušac, -8.češnjevka, -9.crna rotkva
Plants with cyanoglycosides
-10.badem, -page.lovorvišnja, -knight.sremza
Plants with anthraglycosides
-queen.aloja, -king.žestika, +1.rabarbara
Plants with emodin-glycosides
+2.žestika, +3.kineska rabarbara, +4.noćurak
Plants with cardiac glycosides
+5.naprstak crveni, +6.naprstak žuti, +7.naprstak velelisni, +8.naprstak vunasti, +9.đurđica, +10.snježnica, +page.kukurijek, +knight.oleander
Plants with saponins
+queen.sapunika, +king.jaglac, /1.krestušac, /2.bršljan, /3.zlatošipka, /4.maćuhica, /5.ljubica, /6.breza, /7.resulja, /8.divlji kesten, /9.šparoga, /10.crni kim, /page.strupnik
Plants with phenol glycosides
/knight.medvjetka, /queen.brusnica, /king.vrba, *1.končara, *2.zlatošipka
Plants with coumarin glycosides
*3.kokotac, *4.lazarkinja, *5.vanili trava, *6.jasen
Plants with flavonoid glycosides
*7.vrijes, *8.trnina, *9.rezeda, *10.pasji trn
Plants that have tannin
*page.krvara, *knight.pasja ruža, *queen.kadulja, *king.čuvarkuća

video, HD 1080p, color, sound,
01´02˝ loop
It only takes ten minutes of watching Guru Blessing to experience the beneficial effects. His physical presence is not required, but watching the video may be enough to heal from minor physical ailments. Our clients claim to experience life changes, healings and positive experiences after just one video treatment. According to their experiences, during the “Blessing” they feel tingling sensations, see energy flows or a golden aura, and experience deep peace and relief from pain.

iKSHAM, 2018
four-channel video installation
1. video, HD 1080p, color, sound
4´21˝ loop
2. video, HD 1080p, color, silent
3´22˝ loop
3. video, HD 1080p, color, silent
3´42˝ loop
4. video, HD 1080p, color, silent
4´42˝ loop
iKSHAM applicators, 2019.
mixed media: foil, paper, programmed crystal
3 x 3 x 0.5 cm
The device is applied to the middle of the forehead, as in the video. iKSHAM consists of several alternating layers of inorganic foil and organic paper over which is placed programmed crystal. The aid uses orgone energy to stimulate the Ajna chakra (known as the "third eye"). Awakening of this chakra is a prerequisite for the activation and optimal functioning of other chakras of the human body. This device enhances the physical, spiritual and mental energy of the user, speeds up cognition and helps us controlling brain waves.
Orgone energy - also known by the names: ki, chi, prana, ether, life energy and essence is a creative force in nature, an invisible energy that fills the entire universe, creates matter and affects life. Unhindered and sufficient flow of this energy inside and outside the body allows for good health, vitality and real life energy while a lack or imbalance of orgone (life) energy creates illness and depression.
iKSHAM is a revolutionary powerful orgonite - a device that channels orgone energy creating a strong vibrational field that has a healing and soothing effect on a user. Since orgone is intelligent energy, this experience is deepened if we focus our conscious attention on the device itself and observe the sensations that occur.
Depending on the person, a feeling of peace, relief, warmth, heat in the palms and soles, drowsiness, relaxation often occurs during meditation with the device, while more sensitive people can see the aura of the device. Since the orgonite stimulates the flow of energy through the chakras and acts on the 'weak' places of our aura (places where energy holes and disorders are located), transient sensations on these parts of the body in the form of pressure, tingling, itching, or even headaches and dizziness, but these symptoms should weaken day by day. If symptoms worsen, iKSHAMTM should be reduced or discontinued. Due to the possible adaptation to orgonite, reactions in the form of insomnia and heat or heightened dreams are possible for the first few nights. To reduce and / or avoid these sensations, do not use the device during sleep.
iKSHAMTM constantly radiates healthy orgone and automatically cancels harmful radiation emitted by electronic devices. This happens passively, so the device does not need power or maintenance.

The cultivation system of VICE GURU CRYSTALS ™ takes place in several iterative phases of restructuring the dodecahedron composition of Petry dishes containing crushed crystals. The principles of esoteric geometry serve to direct the energy of crystals by encouraging their accelerated growth.
Every new creation in the universe and every phenomenon incarnates following the universal modality of esoteric geometry, so every fragment of physical reality emanates the same structure, which is recognized through geometric figures (Plato's bodies), with respect to the golden ratio. This phenomenon determines the appearance and arrangement of the crystal lattice of the stone, the arrangement of atoms in the molecule, the structure of living beings, the physiognomy of the entire galaxy, and the Universe.
Crystals have a huge memory potential for storing energy samples. The impression of energy can be any thought, emotion or some other vibration that remains stored in the mineral matrix until we consciously format the crystal memory. Crystal programming requires clear intent and focused mental action.
mixed media: VICE GURU CRYSTALS ™,
petry dishes, film pills, glass, iron
95 x 90 x 75 cm

mixed media: glycerin, propylene glycol,Henbanes glycerite, aroma,
diluted alcoholic tinctures: Nightshade, Jimson Weed and Hemlock, e-cigarette, hookah
dimensions variable
The attractiveness of the shamanistic spiritual path and the ease with such experiences are realized are attractive to many - that is why this path is one of the most popular today. After all, why not to use psychotropic substances when you just need to take them and the effects are present, even without any effort or active participation by practitioners. Compared to other methods, this way it is far easier to expand the consciousness, gain significant insights, communicate with aliens and astral beings. If the same goals are pursued without the help of psychopharmaceuticals, that path will be much harder, longer and more arduous. The main problem of such practices is the possibility of poisoning, psychotic episodes and other unpleasant and dangerous experiences.
That’s why we’ve developed a relatively safe way to enter a trance state via e-hookah. Our innovative blend of alcoholic and glycerin tinctures of Dalmatian alkaloid plants is a unique formula developed through the experimental integration of an alchemical recipes and a proven Balkan herbal tradition.

LIFE HACK, 2019.
mixed media: herbal tinctures,
planetarium, natal chart
43 x 34 x 14 cm
Astrology is the science of the influence of celestial bodies on man, which uses an old system in which the Earth is taken as the center of the solar system. The Vice Guru teaches a geocentric system in which the Sun and Moon revolve around the Earth, and other planets revolve around the Sun.
Astrology starts from the law that the planets and planetary aspects control just about everything on Earth. Plants and planets are interconnected and each plant carries a specific vibration that can match the vibration of a certain planet. The synchronization of vibrations is deepened if we use the principles of astrological botany which explains that the planting and gathering of plants must be carried out in relation to the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies.
In this way, herbal tinctures are produced that are perfectly vibrationally aligned with the planets. By consuming them, we can increase or decrease the energy impact of a certain planet on our physical and astral body.
A special diagram is formed in calculation of the position of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of a person's birth in relation to astrological systems, and the present or future moment and position on Earth that person will occupy, it is possible to determine which herbal tinctures and to what ratio produce the desired effect on the user's horoscope.
This way you can finally take control of your destiny.

COVER, 2019.
ready made: Slobodna Dalmacija newspapers 05.22.2019., picture frame
70 x 50 x 2 cm

INSTAGRAM, 2019. - 2020.
collection of photographies
work in progress
Darko Škrobonja:
Ive Trojanović:
Juraj Vuglač:
Željko Marunčić - Bospor:
Vice Tomasović: